Koru Risk Management makes it a priority to support non-profit and community based charitable organizations that exist to foster and improve overall health and wellness, inclusion, and other essential services that improve the quality of life for the most vulnerable members of our community. Here are some of the organizations we partner with to advocate and create change.
Southern California Orange County
Special Olympics Orange County provides seasonal sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.
Joseph McKnight
KORU | Director, Business Development and Legal
Kevin Mahoney
KORU | Founding Partner
Orange County's Partner in Aging
Since 1975, Age Well has been providing programs and resources for Orange County’s older adults with the sole mission of promoting their vitality, purpose, supporting their independence and health and well-being to age well. We exist to provide resources to Orange County’s older adults which support their independence and promote their health & wellbeing. We do this through our nutrition programs, like Meals on Wheels and Congregate, our transportation program, our Adult Day Care Classes, and our Care Management program.
Joseph McKnight
KORU | Director, Business Development and Legal
Epilepsy Walk Los Angeles
The Epilepsy Foundation Los Angeles is leading the fight to END EPILEPSY TOGETHER and overcome challenges created by seizures by focusing on Care, Advocacy, Research and Education. EWLA serves individuals and families affected by epilepsy/seizure. Their primary areas of service include the Counties of Los Angeles (10 million), San Bernardino (2.2 million) and Ventura (0.84 million).
Michelle Monroe Thames
KORU | Director, Operations
Continue Exploring the KORU Difference
For two hundred years, the modus operandi of the insurance industry has been to follow the status quo. Today, protecting and growing your business demands a new perspective. It is time for a different way of looking at risk.
Our team is composed of professionals that are eager to help and are committed to providing the best possible client experience.